About Us

Dental Station: One stop solution to all your dental problems

Quality of dental treatment plays very important role in dentistry. We do carry proper diagnosis of dental problem and suggest genuine recommendations to our patients. In the process of treatment, standard procedures are followed by our specialised team of Dentists and lab technicians to ensure that best-in-class oral health services are provided to our patients at affordable rates.

We provide all kind of oral health services starting from healthier treatments like fillings, root canals to cosmetic treatments. The team of Dentists at Dental station are highly qualified and trained in dentistry practices. We are currently providing our services in Jaipur in the areas of Vaishali Nagar, Sirsi Road , Panchyawala and Hanuman Nagar.

To maintain highest level of hygiene for our patients, we follow strict protocols at Dental station to ensure that each instrument that comes in contact patient is properly sterilized before the consultation and treatment.

Post treatment follow-ups: Our team regularly follow-ups with our patients whose treatment is done at our clinic to check and monitor their dental health. We are sending regular SMS alerts/ Emails to our patients so that they don’t miss dental checkups.

Record of Dental History: We digitally store records of patient dental health including diagnosis, test reports, pictures, treatment given etc. So that the history of past dental checkups and treatment is available when you visit at our clinic for future treatments.